Asynchronous can mean a lot of things: two swimmers not moving identically, a drum slightly off beat, or two very different men, not really sitting in a car at the same time, not really getting along too well.
Mokumentary, 14:41 mins
Upon receiving the word “asynchronously”, I was reminded of the time I was a “promoted” a driver in the swiss military: Over the course of two weeks, I made a skit wherein I tried to encapture the situations a higher ranking officer and I found ourselves in while driving around. The asynchronous aspect of our story is the utter lack of things we had in common and the way our interactions seemed so out of tune.
To convey this feeling as effectively as possible, I split the entire sketch into two halves and filmed the separate sides of the conversation on different days. To come up with the story, I went through my army experiences particularly when driving army officials, to find the most extreme cases of two people completely out of tune.
Making of
Filming process
All scenes in the car were filmed using a GoPro Hero 3+ and a Zoom5 Recorder with an additional microphone taped to the side of the car as best as possible. All interviews were filmed using a Sony HXR-NX5R.
A big thank you goes to Daniel Niederöst for providing the two EDM tracks and reading the lines of my counterpart.
While filming the co-driver parts, Alexandra Li did the driving which I want to sincerely thank her for as well.