
The shadow organizationĀ  “Big Auqa” has been ripping off the public for years, pumping up perfectly fine and normal dry fruit with water to sell it to us for more money. But no more! One investigative journalist takes the lead and stands up to the big man!

Mocumentary, 10:58 mins


What started off as a random joke at the dining table, evolved into one of my most ambitious projects yet. Over the course of 6 weeks I set off to construct my first intentionally funny project, which was always something that seemed immensely daunting to me.

The task was to create a “Social Video”, so a video in which we ourselves were theĀ  protagonist, with a story that followed the traditional 3-act-structure. The entire Project was filmed using my Huawei P20 phone camera and edited with Premiere and Audition CC.