About me, Ayan Paska
Czech post-occupation culture is rich in stories and fables about mystical creatures, talking pets and seductive huntsmen. Watching animations and listening to these kinds of stories ignited my ongoing love for movies and taught me, how wonderful it can be, when a story is executed well.
Another big part was my parent’s love for post war Czech music. It oftentimes mixes traditional folklore motives with blues and traces of jazz, brought to the Czech Republic by American soldiers at the end of WW2.
With these aspects being big parts of my adolescence, I am fascinated by how seemingly arbitrary things can be combined in an entertaining and memorable fashion. Similar to the sometimes strange songs my parents grew up with, I always try to find exciting new ways to convey an Idea, be it purely through sound, through a blend of a lighthouse and two cars on a road, or trees burning and morphing into tanks.
I like things to surprise me, which is why I aim to avoid having my work fall into any kind of repetitive pattern. One of my biggest goals and something I hope to expand on is the skill to surprise not only my audience but also myself.
What I’ve been up to:
1997: born on the 20th of December
2012-2016: Hostage at Kantonsschule Wattwil (biology and chemistry)
2018-2019: Artistic prep course (Propädeutikum) at the Zurich school of arts
2019-2021: Studied “Cast Audiovisual Media” at the Zurich school of arts
2021-2022: Studying Fine Arts at the Zurich school of arts
Artist Statement
Why do some people choose to stay in a manipulative relationship? Why don’t they just walk away? Those were my thoughts as I was getting more and more entangled in such a relationship myself. It happens slowly, unnoticed, and once you’re fully submerged in it, memories of how it was in the beginning or how it was supposed to be at all, keep you from wanting to break away and re-emerge alone.
I explore the relationship between us and the neoliberal structures enveloping us.
I try asking whether the conditions we live in should truly be the way they are. What is it exactly that keeps us here, entangling and perforating us, keeping us from emerging. Can we even emerge at all?
My work mostly consists of audio-visual pieces. But while the format may vary from piece to piece, the themes stay consistent. Questions like those above always creep into and to the forefront of my work. I do not only want to ask questions, I try my hardest to find answers too… unless a question is the only answer left.
- 2021 Semester exhibiton – Toni-Areal
- 2022 27h, Semester exhibition – Toni Areal
- 2022 Diploma Exhibition – Toni Areal
- 2022 Evocative virtual exhibition – Capital Culture House
- 2022 Over The Sea – Crmi Gallerie, Langenthal, Ch
- 2022 Yesterday – Planet 5, Zurich, Ch
- 2023 Morgen – Literaturhaus St. Pauli, Hildesheim, De
- 2023 | division | – Solo show, 345 Offspace, Zurich, Ch
- 2023 Too Hot to Sell – Hotel Tiger, Zurich, Ch
- 2023 No Risk No Risk – Bacio Collective, Bern, Ch